from HiddenMysteries
Wednesday, January 21 2009 @ 08:44 PM CST

Good Riddance George : Yes George, you served your master well

Reptilian RuleNow George it is over. Your Faustian deal gave you eight years of illegal and undeserved power.

And did you make the most of it! You stole elections without hesitation, you lied without compunction, you started illegal wars without any consideration for international law, you shredded the Constitution without any respect for the check-and-balance system, you opened up concentration camps without any concern for the rule of law, and you maimed, tortured, and murdered without any regard for fundamental human rights.

You fiddled while New Orleans floundered, while your cronies in the oil industry drove prices through the roof, while war profiteers ruthlessly plundered Iraq, and while the economy suffered its worst decline in decades.

Yes George, you served your master well.

And he served you. The suffering you inflicted upon others never touched you—aside from a pair of poorly aimed shoes. You were never impeached, prosecuted or even censured as a war criminal. And the fact that you intend—as you stated in your final press briefing—to spend your days lounging on the beach, when you should be spending them in a prison cell, adds just another name to the historical list of evildoers who have been rewarded for their crimes. read

Antiwar Activists “Boot” Dubya Out the Door

by William Hughes Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009 at 8:43 AM

A rally and march was held in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 19, 2009. It’s objective was to give President George W. Bush “the boot” as he exited an office that he has disgraced by his failure to uphold the law. David Swanson, cofounder of afterdowningstreet. org, was one of the speakers at the event. He underscored the importance of appointing a “Special Prosecutor” to look into and hold accountable the culpable members of the Bush-Cheney Gang. read


Vermont Succession Discussion